Chapter 15 The Secret Conspiracy
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-08-11 10:49      字数:3371
    I thought I was dead, but that's hard to be sure because I can still feel the tingling from my neck down my spine. That strange feeling was like countless ants and insects constantly entering and exiting my body from my wound.

    The darkness and silence were still spreading, I didn't know if the darkness was confusing my eyes, or my eyes were confusing my heart, where was I?

    A familiar autumn wind blows, bringing the early cold……

    I woke up in my memory and saw my father's look of contempt again. My father doesn't like me, even in the world after my death, is it still the same? The familiar perception became more and more vivid, and I realized where I was, and my eternal regret —— woolly rhinoceros Sango. It was under my spear once again, why should I face these mourning eyes over and over again? Why did you want me to experience the helplessness of fate thousands of times? However, I know that my father was behind the boulders, his contemptuous eyes are urging me.

    No, I didn’t want to do that.

    But the blood-weeping wound clearly showed that the woolly rhinoceros Sango's lingering life was nothing but pain, and death was about to happen……and this fatal wound came from my attack……the burning life of woolly rhinoceros was losing temperature bit by bit.

    "Hurry up! Become a brave man!" The sound of cheers came from the back of the boulder, and the warriors of the tribe hammered their chests one after another to encourage me.

    "Put away your cowardly kindness! You must learn how to face this cruel world." In the cheering and shouting, I only heard my father's urging with anger, I had no room to reflect on it, it was like another soul lived in my body. I could only follow the established route, walking slowly to the trembling Sango.

    The cold light of the blade covered the desperation in woolly rhinoceros Sango's eyes.

    "No!" I tried my best to refuse the fate that once was set by me.

    Before the blade stabbed hard, I seemed to be pumped out of my body. My sight was leaving the ground, as if my soul was out of my body, I saw my own figure exactly like mine continuing my cruel actions!

    No! That should be me, but how could it be me?

    "No way!" I cried with a trembling heart.

    "Trust your heart!" Kun’s voice came from outside of the world. The voice descended from the clear sky, as clear as a trickle in summer. “Remember, child, you have all the answers in your heart.”

    Gradually, the cheers of the tribal warriors, the rebuke of father, and even the wind passing by, all the voices gradually moved away, and the world became blurred.

    Without the encouragement of the warriors, without the urging of my father, without the expectations of others, there was only me and the dying woolly rhinoceros Sango in the vast and empty world.

    I fell heavily from the air into my own body, I rushed to Sango, staring at its dying eyes and wiping away the tears from the corners of their eyes.

    "Sango, I shouldn't have done this." I actually said like that, as if woolly rhinoceros understood.

    The dying eyes of the woolly rhinoceros suddenly recovered, and two drops of tears fell on the back of my hand, which soon became the end of its life. However, a miracle really happened at this moment—an unspeakable moment, the eyes of the woolly rhinoceros turned into a pond full of tranquil spring water, and the two falling teardrops turned into two fish chasing head to tail. They chased and circled each other, being inseparable from each other, and their swimming figures drew a perfect circle. Strangely, their bodies were both connected and separated from each other, and the two fish swam faster and faster in the rhinoceros' pupils.

    Finally, the strange dynamic images rushed straight from the pupils of woolly rhinoceros, as if my eyes were their new home.

    "Right now! Run!" I was suddenly brought back to reality by Kun's voice. In the palace of the king, all the guards of False Gods collapsed all of a sudden. The palace above the sky was pitch-dark, only leaving the shocked and puzzled eyes of the King of the False Gods.

    “Who are you, and how could you enter the DI system?” the King of the False Gods asked in a sharp childish voice.

    “Good job, you succeeded! You followed your heart, child, you defeated and destroyed the DI system. Now it’s our chance.” Kun ignored the King of the False Gods’ questioning and took my hand and run all the way, following the bearded behind with exhaustion.

    "Where are we going? There are only four hours, and it will be dawn four hours later, and the historic moment for mankind is coming!" Kun said excitedly, holding my hand, looking forward, and facing the faint dawn in the sky.

    Facing the wind, Kun’s flowing sliver hair fluttered in the air. The soft blue light reappeared on his body, like a firefly chasing hope, trying to ignite the belated light in the empty sky……

    A gust almost made me unable to straighten my waist, but fortunately Kun held me tightly.

    The world outside the tower was chaotic, the clouds were far away and seemed invisible bottom. One step, only one step forward, would fall into the bottomless abyss. After moving little by little, I saw a “flying iron dragonfly” parking on the top of the Sky Tower…… We finally got a breath in the transparent “head” of the iron dragonfly.

    Escaping was the common choice of everyone after a short respite. The iron dragonfly bumped in the air like fallen leaves in the torrent. I closed my eyes and prayed for everything safe. But when I closed my eyes and fell into the tranquility, the eyes of woolly rhinoceros Sango suddenly appeared—— those two fish chasing and playing, kept wandering in my mind, and they swam faster and faster, faster and faster. It was like an unstoppable fate that disturbs my heart, the two fish were entangled and cannot be separated, or cannot…… be separated?

    "It is time to stop all things wrong, and we must stop the army of mortal." I figured out how to say but didn't understand why I said it.

    "The False Gods and mortals should sit down and have a talk. Killing each other would not solve the tragedy of the world." The stars darkened at dawn, and the huge blades of wind of the Sky Tower were rotating slowly, like the teardrops of the giant, sprinkling the earth with frosty flurries. I hated everything that I see, but at that moment I deeply realized that war cannot solve hatred.

    “Impossible!” This was the first time that Kun said “no” to me, and he refused me like a friend I had ever known. "The wheel of history has started, and you and I are too small as individuals to stop it."

    "No, everything started by us, isn’t it? Why we can't let it stop? The False Gods and mortals are both human beings and so similar, why can't we find a way to coexist with each other!"

    This was the first quarrel between Kun and I. I never thought it would happen when all the answers are about to be revealed. I didn’t want to believe that it will be him who denies me in the end—bringing me all the courage and confidence along the way.

    "All it takes is a tiny snowball to start an avalanche, but it's almost impossible to stop a full-fledged avalanche. This is our fate." Kun said in a icy tone, he no longer looked at me with patience, encouragement and smile.

    “Remember. What you saw when you defeated the digital demon, two fish chasing in a circle, that was the vital point of the DI system, when the war is coming, you must let it rotate faster in your mind, this is the key to overthrow the Sky Tower of the False Gods. Again, Kun called his own peer – the False Gods.

    “You have seen the powerful technology of the False Gods, but now, only you hold the switch of the fate of mortals in the decisive battle of serious fight, and only you can decide the future of mortals' victory! "

    "No! There must be some other ways!" These were the last words I said before dawn!

    The shadow of the Sky Tower chased us flying in the sky when the dawn came, while we chased the night on the iron dragonfly.

    At the top of the sky, the crimson frost had become the dividing line between the light and the darkness at that moment. We must chase the night that hasn’t left and reach the other edge of the world before the sunrise. When the iron dragonfly swooped straight down, the earth, glaciers and heavy snow came fiercely. The world in the darkness has not yet woken up, like a child in swaddling clothes, but I hope that it will always be like this, because when the sun rules the earth again, a duel for the ages will be inevitable.

    How I wished that the place we arrived would never come…… Kun, he seemed to become a different person, and he no longer wanted to listen to what I was talking about…… Maybe the status of friend was just the result of my wishful thinking.

    “The emotions you rely on are all your weak fantasies. Live coldly and rely on yourself. This is the true meaning of the indifferent world!" My father's words and his appearance in the saber-toothed tiger suit jumped into my mind at that moment.

    The beard Zulu wiped his giant hammer over and over again, soliloquizing to himself the heroic deeds engraved on the giant hammer. At that moment, the dwarf chief looked like a giant who are ready to go.

    We outran the fading night, and when the iron dragonfly arrived, the dawn fell behind us. Finally, I have arrived at the end of this journey - the Red Desert, where countless mirrors facing the sky formed a vast silver ocean, chasing the sun and surrounding the withered crater.

    The “farmland” of the False Gods, the place where energy is input to the tower of the False Gods, no one knew that the precious "lifeline" of the False Gods would be placed in the crater until Kun let the mortals know all the things, and therefore, now the False Gods’ weakness was clearly displayed in front of every angry mortal.

    The landform of the crater was like a huge bald head. When we spiraled down, my father was leading an army of mortals marching from the edge of the foot of the mountain. The war horns of the mortal army resounded through the sky, and the steps they took shook the earth. In the world ruled by ice and snow, millions of elite troops from the human were gathering here.

    My father's high camel corps came singing all the way, the warriors on the hunchback were bare-chested, and the sturdy military were not afraid of the severe cold. The half-moon-shaped scimitars in their hands gave off a extremely cold light, and they waved to us, all the pride in the world was clearly written in their eyes.

    The dwarf chief stood by the mossy rock and looked forward to the arrival of his troops. Thousands of armored warriors that forged in iron were even stronger than the giants in the legendary, and the colors of silver armor and rust were mixed together. The roar of steam made the ice and snow frozen for thousand years tremble, and those seemingly tall coniferous forests were like slender thatch when the armored warriors passed by.

    At that moment, in the sky where the human army passed by, the tranquility of the sky was being swept by the raging flames. The dark red wings fanned a huge powerful airflow, and nine giant dragons hovered around us, staring at us fiercely with their ferocious eyes. In the terrifying long kiss of the giant dragons, they were breathing deadly flames, and the monsters in the air were approaching us……

    Kun took out the weight of "restricting" of Dracolony - Horcrux, those creatures that were born in the ancient crazy experiments, finally flew away and no longer approached us.

    This was the most powerful army in human history. But in front of the enemies that we were about to face, mortals were still too weak. These high-spirited human armies did not know the power of the False Gods. On the contrary, the warriors in the human army were all dazzled by legends and songs about heroes. This also included my father……

    "No!" I had to stop all of this, before this farce of eggs hitting rocks happened, before countless lives were lost, I urged myself in my heart.

    The airflow hit the solid ice on the ground, while the yellow sand dances in higher places. When the iron dragonfly descended, we must face with what should be faced.

    I didn’t know what would happen if I ran directly in front of my father and cried to persuade him to withdraw the army. Let his strong guards stuff me into the camel cart carrying grain and grass, or simply kick me away?

    The only thing I could make sure was that convincing my father was far more difficult than convincing Kun.

    "You did a good job." My father's solemn eyebrows were stretched after seeing me.

    He stood on a high camel, ice and snow reflected his majestic chest which is like a mountain.

    "But…… father!"

    Without any anger, this was even the first time my father has spoken to me actively, I think it would be a turning point, I had to try, "In the Sky Tower I saw……"

    "Stop talking."

    The usual stern gaze returned on my father's face. He knew me well enough, especially for my weakness.

    “This time, you did a good job." The powerful big hand touched my shoulder, but my father quickly retracted his hand. The complicated expression on his face made the atmosphere freeze, and then the sound army's footsteps completely terminated the possibility of further dialogue between my father and me.

    I stood there dumbfounded, watching the human soldiers gather tougher to form into a sharp sword that caused pain, trying constantly to pierce the nightmare that plagued mortals for thousands of years……

    The bearded man won the glory he deserved, and he commanded the greatest conquest in human history side by side with his father.

    The ironclad warriors led by dwarf chief were an indispensable force for men and the position of the elders of Dracolony who did not want to join in this decisive battle is much darker. Fortunately, they used to hide under the dark cloak and did not say a word about the indifference to their own ethnic group. Perhaps the King of Ancient Lizards that came from the ancient was also among them. The fire dragon in the sky guarded the warriors of Dracolony, which was literally more loyal than the hound.

    The tribe of silent giants, the Tribe of Channel whalers, the purple-skinned Chief of the Jean Coast slaves, the city-state of the green crocodile wearing a golden mask, etc., they all sent the strongest elite fighters, and the mortals really reunited together for the first time in history. All for the decisive battle with the biggest lie made by human beings——the False Gods were slaves of digital demons, and digital demons wanted to destroy the world.

    The irony was that the False Gods were also defending the lies they created, and they did not hesitate to persevere for thousands of years, freezing the world and creating cruel world’s narrative…… Everything was for the better life of mortals.

    This confrontation between lies and lies had become the sad common ground between the False Gods and mortals. As human beings, we paid the most tragic sacrifice in history for lies for each other.

    Just as I was weeping silently for the fate of mankind. "Wait! Tell your father to stop marching, I seem to see something……" Kun touched my forearm and said vigilantly, "The army of the False Gods is coming, it's a pity that the DI system knows where our attack place is."

    Kun looked at me solemnly, with contradictory expectations and sadness in his eyes.

    At the top of the mountain which has not covered by ice and snow, at the height of the bloody sand, in a crater filled with charred rubble, tens of thousands of the False Gods were gathering.

    The orange, high-gloss costume properly wrapped around each False Gods' body, with not a trace of bare exposed skin. For an army, however, the group of tall, thin False Gods walked too idly, and even the shouts they gave were not in unison.

    Until several the False Gods took off the clothes covering their heads and waved to me, I have realized their identities—the maintainers of the False Gods in the bottom world. In the Sky Tower, this group of the False Gods who resemble human beings once declared that they cursed the persecution of mortals by the high-level the False Gods. If necessary, they will fight for mortals…… Now it seemed that the maintainers were here to fulfill their promises.

    It was just that the arrival of the maintainers of the False Gods is more like another untimely carnival —— wrong time, wrong place, and they maintain the grand parade with incomprehensible enthusiasm.

    Behind the maintainers, the silver steel monsters came from the sky one after another. These steel monsters of the False Gods were so huge that they can rival the mountains in the distance. Different from the rough ironclad warriors of Rock Tribe, the steel monsters descended from the False Gods were as bright as new. The steel monsters of the False Gods move quickly, and their movements were perfect and smooth, as if they were not restricted by their huge bodies at all.

    Dark clouds fell suddenly above the crater, and the vast darkness came from hundreds of millions of tiny metal insects, which were undoubtedly weapons of the False Gods.

    "Don't get close, don't attack the False Gods first, this is the last warning! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk……" The metal insects gathered and changed in the sky, arranged in huge words, and issued a sharp warning, showing the determination of the False Gods to warn in the end.

    I must stop my father, everything must stop, before human blood flew into rivers, I secretly made up my mind.

    "Please be brave, for your people, for your father……"

    “Crack!” Yes, I gave Kun a slap on his face……The feeling of being cheated inside turned into extreme resentment. Although I didn't quite figure it out, I didn't quite know why, but when the urge came together, I struck to my only friend.

    Kun’s silver hair was disheveled in the cold air, but soon returned to his ear round, but it was still flowing. Only his charming blue eyes didn't show whether he was crying or smiling, Kun calmly wiped the blood oozing from his mouth, and whispered the unfinished words. "For…… your people, be sensible now, child, stop your impulsion, stop your naivety."

    This might be the last time I listened to Kun's words……