Chapter 11 Mirror of the Sky
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-07-30 16:26      字数:2641
Under the cover of thousands of False Gods, we began our mad escape again. The False Gods moved out of the way when we appeared, and quickly crowded together when we left, blocking any attempt to approach us with their body.

    When we were away from the crowd of False Gods and passed through another gel-made "door", the strange world ahead of us came upon us again violently. We unexpectedly entered the sandy world, flowing sand dunes like a ripple-moving river.

    There was no sun, but the sunset light was shining on the quicksand. There was a sea of sand, no breeze, no sound of insects, no noise of human beings, except sand and ashes. Everything was so vast that there seemed to be no end to the world in this Sky Tower.

    The bearded man wanted to go back to the “door”, but found that the “door” had already disappeared.

    "Are we stuck? Damn it, there's no way to get out," the bearded Cursed. The Dwarven chief's forehead was beaded with sweat from the heat. He took off his heavy fur jacket and said, "Hell, there is no place in the world this hot."

    "Yes, I can't also tell which way we are going. All the navigational devices are out of order." Kun said disappointingly to the shining iron box, his face now turning pale. "This time the digital demons are going for real."

    "Run away! We can't wait here to die! "Said the bearded, frowning his thick black brow.

    "Don't hurry, don't go anywhere. This is the Boundless Realm of the Sky Tower. If we run recklessly left and right, we'll never get out of here." Kun’s face was taut.

    "What then? "Cried the Dwarven chief in despair, but his voice could not stir even a ripple in the vast sand sea.

    Now the distant footsteps were approaching in the heat.

    "Dada Dada" of hooves distant and heavy, sound gradually approaching, quiet gravel began to swim, time bit by bit vivid.

    In the steaming air, I trance saw a familiar shadow —— riding on a tall camel was a majestic figure, bronzed skin in the hot air reflecting dazzling light, the shadow was very familiar……


    I couldn't help being overjoyed —— Father had come to pick me up! This couldn't be an illusion!

    I ran in the direction where my father had appeared. I was even prepared to face my father's harsh eyes again, even if it was a hard slap, I would bear it with a smile…… All suffering was finally over. My father came to take me home!

    I ran and wanted to throw myself into my father's arms, but a large black cloud suddenly appeared behind my father, the sky suddenly dark down, the yellow sand dancing all over the sky, poplar trees trembling in the wind, whining, my eyes were raised by the sand, my feet were tied by the hot sand.

    However, my father was there, and I could even see the expression on his face. My father approached me with a warm smile. My father was smiling at me, but in my memory, he had never done anything like this……

    "Come back! Don't fall for it! Come back, silly boy!" It was the Bearded man's voice! Then the dwarven chief's voice became heartbreaking.

    A tingling sound of electricity pronounced my stupidity …… When I remembered anything again it was already a trance of a dream.

    When the rising weightlessness occurred, the fear and the heart fell suddenly along with the gravity. In the dark world, I could not wake up, only the heavy breathing had been maintained.

    When we could open our eyes, we were in a small but rising "room".

    The feeling of restraint on my feet and hands was gradually awakened by pain. I saw the bearded man with his head down and the Kun with his eyes closed in thought. This time even as a celestial of the Kun, his treatment and we were no different, he also with the halo of bound hands and feet, just like us. Under the watchful eyes of four tall and blue-skinned heavenly people, under the flashing blue light of the electric magic, mortals and False Gods…… we became "captives" of equality.

    "Awake at last? Warriors from the earth, I admire your spirit of never giving up."

    The False God who had brought us into the sky Tower and looked like Kun had reappeared. This was the second time, without a doubt, that he had taken us into custody. The second time we had been deceived by his deception.

    On the wild smile, the pair of blood-red pupils were "sipping" my fear and regret, as if he had already seen through me, and his shrill voice was very different from Kun's melodious voice.

    "Please forgive my deception…… But I must find out what it is that you are planning, to the extent that my naive brother is deeply involved in it, and from all indications it is likely to be extremely dangerous for us!"

    "Qian, my wise elder brother, can't we lose? I confess to you, even though we were planning something, it all changed when we got to this point, and these two mortals changed their minds, and they just wanted to go back to their lives." Kun violently shook his body, desperately trying to break free from the shackles of the halo, he held his head high and did his best to keep his posture not to fall.

    "According to the iron law of the heavenly people, the punishment of a mortal must end when the mortal repents of his desire to attack the heavenly people! You saw it with your own eyes, didn't you? That mortal child ran desperate for your elaborate trap, just to get home! I am a traitor to the heavenly people, I will take all the blame. Let the children go, let them go……"

    Kun's voice had a tremble, like a weak begging. His voice had long since lost its usual nonchalance.

    However, Kun's brother, the False God who resembled Kun and was known as Qian, his fishy red pupil's aperture did not have any intention of backing down.

    "Yes, the heavenly people must obey the iron laws. But my dear brother, your involvement, has made a qualitative difference to the whole thing. It gives me a reason to believe in the dangers involved. As far as I know, this is the first time in history that heavenly people and mortals have joined hands. My brother, you have performed a miracle never seen in a million years, and such a rare occurrence means that we have to treat you in a special way……"

    “However, there is one more thing that I have to personally thank you for, my naive brother, you have done so perfectly. Ever since I overstepped the iron law of the heavenly people and captured you in the Sky Tower, the sustainers in the bottom world have been demanding like crazy that the higher heavenly people - the Executors - release you. They have even gone as far as the King of Heavenly People. Kun, you also know how crazy the sustainers in the bottom world are obsessed with preserving the freedom of the mortals. In short, everything the mortals want, that group of them wants to satisfy. But they are the most numerous of all the heavenly people, and the upper executors can't disobey them.

    At this point, Qian’s arrogant expression was somewhat restrained, red eyes seemed to be brighter, "Originally, if you stay in the sky tower under the prison, we cannot close you for long, the speaker of the sustainers in the bottom world has signed a special order to require us to release people!"

    "And you chose to escape at the 'right' time, which happened to be just as we were about to be being pushed beyond our means by outraged public opinion. I have to thank the mortals, for somehow interrupting the power supply of the Sky Tower. So I let you escape, but sometimes I also 'point' you in the right direction so that you can escape smoothly all the way to the middle area of the Sky Tower, and escape from the place where the bottom heavenly people have lived. This is really a good plan to kill two birds with one stone - letting the sustainers in the bottom world think that you have successfully escaped, when in fact you have sent yourselves to the door to throw yourselves into the net."

    Qian was very satisfied with what he had done. "But honestly, you've done it. You've already done something amazing. You're the first people in a thousand years to create an electromagnetic pulse to shut down the power supply to the Sky Tower." Qian’s smile suddenly stopped at this time, solidified smile immediately into a fierce threat. "You have made it so that for the first time in history the heavenly people are under real threat, so you're not going anywhere until we figure out the truth!"

    When the threatening words fell, the pure white "room" suddenly shed all its colors…… The world was suddenly as transparent as a vacuum.

    The clouds were falling rapidly beneath us, the earth and the mountains were getting smaller, everything on the earth was no bigger than a fist —— a place where clouds and floss could not stay, the stars were coming like dreams, the Milky Way seemed before me, the eyes of the sky were like little ice crystals falling from sapphire blue silk, and they shone softly and quietly. The shocking starlight had the power to purify my mind, and even I briefly forgot my fate as a prisoner.

    "Is this the starry sky? The stars above the clouds, the stars that Kun had said he was tired of seeing, the stars that he had boringly called 'the pact'…… Oh my God, it is so beautiful." I've seen the stars before in the City of Intone, but this was the first time I've been that close to them.

    "Yes, it is the starry sky, watching the earth forever in silence, regardless of the frost and rain of the world, the new and the old…… The moon may be the only one who can truly appreciate the warmth and cold of the human world, because the moon has waxed and waned, just like the history of mankind."

    The Kun’s whisper was like a poetic feeling, and his eyes drifted into the distance as if to indicate that I was not the only participant in the conversation going on at this moment.

    But when his eyes finally fell on me, I knew everything —— the bright moon was about to complete.

    The moon! As an agreement among the tribes, the mortals’ army would be assembled at the full moon, and the mortal attack of desperation would begin immediately!

    "There's less than a day left." Looking at the eyes of the Kun, I again heard the silent whisper from the eyes of the Kun, hard to pull me back to reality.

    The full moon! I was about to face an unprecedented brutal decisive battle in this world! Sure enough, good things were cruel. When I realized everything, my heart felt like someone was gripping me. I couldn't even breathe easily.

    "If we can't get out of here, nothing but death awaits the mortal army."

    As the clouds were thrown far below, the transparency was once again sealed by white light, and after a thump, the ascent stopped. A white wall bloomed like molten glue, thus "opening" another world.

    Qian was urging us on with a wicked smile on his blood-red pupils. Behind him, four tall False Gods pressed their hands on a "magic stick", around the "magic stick" was the lightning, it was like a cane whip, threatening the consequences of not obeying the command.

    The Bearded man who was in the syncope was carried out by several False Gods.

    It was totally dark…… I heard the murmuring sound of water, but could not see any sign of it. At the moment I held my breath, the lights were suddenly turned on again.

    The wide grounds in which I found myself were dreamily enveloped by blue water on all sides, piled up like a high mountain range in every direction, yet within which I could still breathe, an invisible barrier between air and water.

    I didn't know where the light from refracted in this sea of dreams, the light flowing like transparent seaweed floating, countless schools of fish swimming past me. Many orange clownfish, wagged their tails and spitting bubbles at me as if they were demonstrating to me. Yet a dark shadow approached, and the assembled fish swam away in alarm, and schools of basilosaurus swinging their slender tails were feeding here.

    "Mortals from the ground, we need your help."

    Bloated voices with a thick nasal sound came from all directions, as if the sea was speaking.

    On a raised platform of silver iron, nine blue-skinned old False Gods in scarlet robes spoke through silver masks that obscured their expressions…… Nine people made the same voice.

    "Qian, let go of our distinguished guest. I think we have a lot to sit down and talk about."

    "Now, let go of chains of mortals!" The nine icy masks spoke in one voice. Qian restrained his haughty expression and bowed obediently.

    "Hypocritical old men, what can we mortals do for you, arrogant False Gods? Stop your hypocrisy! If you have any conscience left in you, like the kind-hearted Kun, then stop raining the frosty catkins at once. If you stop now, the world will forgive you. But if you continue to reverse the ways of good and evil, of the devil and the celestial, then we mortals will rebel against our cold fate and will tear down the Sky Tower. My son will carry on my work, even if my son does not, my grandson, my grandson’s son… Hey! Kun! What should my grandson’s son be called?" At this moment, the impassioned declarations of the bearded man, who had just woken up, were unfortunately forced to stop at his "ignorance" of his future heir.

    "Great-grandson," Kun told him succinctly.

    "That's right! The day will come when our mortal descendants will push over the Sky Tower and end the cruel fate of this cold age, and then the unrepentant False Gods will be doomed!" Unkindly, the bearded raised his hammer to demonstrate to the false elders, as if the weapon in his hand were really powerful.

    The nine False Gods in cold masks were surprisingly not angered. They sat on a pedestal, their calm faces showing no sign of stirring. They seemed to be looking down on the children to vent their grievances —— the only thing they should do when their "kids" were being unreasonable was to do nothing.

    For a brief moment of calm, the scowling bearded man finally got tired

    "Dang!” There was a long-necked sea beast swooping down from the depths of the blue "sea wall". The monster opened its jaws and tried to rush the dwarven chief from behind. Fortunately, the transparent but solid ramparts stopped it, leaving only a dull thud.

    The Beard stroked his neck, which he had barely secured, and the expression on his face changed with fear.

    "See that animal? Well, respectfully……" Nine chaotic voices explained wearily, as the long-necked sea animal swam anxiously.